Chuckle of the day....

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Chuckle of the day....

Postby onwhiskeycreek » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:25 am

We had both our lines out in not too deep of water but I felt something was odd with mine. We reeled our lines in to check them and both had a small bottom fish. When you bring up bottom fish, they often are stunned and die so we will let them just rest along side the boat until they seem ok and then release them. While Gary was letting his rest, he decided to, um, "do his business" over the side of the boat. His fish was about 3' out from the boat, doing fine, rod just resting in the rod holder but not locked in. I look up to see this eagle coming in fast, sounding like a small jet, go into a dive, grab the fish and line and take off!!! I tried to warn Gary but it all happened so fast and I'm laughing my head off at Gary making a mad grab for his rod so it isn't lost to the sea or the eagle. He did get it, the eagle yanked, then dropped the fish. Wow...what a crazy thing!!! He said something about thinking he could get some help around here and all he heard was laughing...probably even Luke (the dog) was laughing. The eagles sit in trees, on rocks, everywhere here, just watching fishermen, and hoping to nab a tossed back fish. Well, I just got my camera to put the chip in the computer to download the pics...yes, I got photos! But, of all things, there was no chip...I had left it in the computer from the last trip. There would have been some fabulous photos! Oh well...mind pictures this time....
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Re: Chuckle of the day....

Postby Nelly » Fri Jul 03, 2015 3:53 am

Classic! When you least expect it, EXPECT IT! rofl
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