Finally good news for the sportsman?

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Finally good news for the sportsman?

Postby greenfishnut » Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:06 am

Hope this is not against forum rules:

Senate leaders reject WDFW fee increase

Published on March 22, 2017 8:23AM
Sen. Kirk Pearson is leading efforts in the Washington State Senate to counter a proposal by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to raise license fees.


Sen. Kirk Pearson is leading efforts in the Washington State Senate to counter a proposal by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to raise license fees.

OLYMPIA — The Senate budget proposal on March 21 “marks the beginning of a positive turnaround of the troubled Department of Fish and Wildlife, according to a press release from the Washington State Senate Majority Coalition Caucus, the mainly Republican-comprised group that controls that chamber of the Legislature.

The budget provides safeguards for crucial agency functions, such as hatcheries, while initiating the rebuilding of an agency in crisis, the coalition caucus said Tuesday.

Agency management recently revealed to legislative leaders a significant budget shortfall. Because of this, a major hunting and fishing license fee increase plan was proposed by WDFW to increase agency revenue.

“The agency wanted to correct this by initiating a hefty increase in hunting and fishing license fees without the promise for more opportunities,” said Sen. Kirk Pearson, R-Monroe, chairman of the Senate Natural Resources and Parks Committee.

Pearson solicited public comments on the license-fee plan, including from Chinook Observer readers. He said he received hundreds of letters in opposition to WDFW’s fee increase proposal from across the state.

“The problem is not a money problem, it’s a leadership problem,” Pearson said.

The Senate budget provides $5 million from the general fund to protect hatcheries and core agency functions while bringing in outside performance and management support.

“It’s important that we provide stability to the agency while we begin a much-needed overhaul that will help protect and grow the state’s hunting and fishing opportunities,” Pearson said. “This budget keeps the core of the agency in place while we correct the past problems that placed the agency in this situation and help them get on stronger footing.”

The budget proposal also provides funding for an outside consultant to identify and fix management and organizational issues while running a zero-based budget exercise to address ongoing budget issues.

“This budget for WDFW reflects the needs of an agency in crisis,” Pearson said. “Dwindling fish populations, diseased and scattered wildlife and animal conflict problems have set back the WDFW’s mission over the past few years. By giving them the tools they need to be successful, we can protect and grow hunting and fishing opportunities both now and in the future.”
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Re: Finally good news for the sportsman?

Postby Nelly » Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:28 am

Rules? What rules? :(
Seriously, I hope WDFW and the legislature can come to some compromises down th line.
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