Chart Study: Do you look before you leap?

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Chart Study: Do you look before you leap?

Postby Nelly » Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:06 pm

Ok, I know most of you fell asleep right after the word "study" but for those that are as deeply addicted to as I...

Can you get your "fix" (pardon the pun) from your chart plotter or do you use another platform to study charts?

Personally, if i'm hitting a piece of water for the first time, I'm looking at charts on my phone and/or iPad well in advance. That effort is partially driven out of curiosity but I'm also looking for features & structure that I recognize from other productive areas that I've had success.

I run a Navionics Platinum+ chip in my Simrad and the Ap on my phone and iPad so I'm looking at the same cartography across all my devices.

It's a nice feeling when you get to the grounds and while looking at your plotter you recognize what you've studied. That's where confidence comes from and confidence produces fish.

So, do you study? The fish are writing the test even as we speak....
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