November Winter Chinook Opener!

Saltwater and freshwater fishing reports!

November Winter Chinook Opener!

Postby Nelly » Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:16 am

The northern inland waters of Puget Sound opened on November first and while the average size was not quite up to last years lofty standards, the numbers were certainly impressive!

Former Seattle Seahawk and Outdoor Line host Robbie Tobeck couldn't get this opening day blackmouth to the BBQ fast enough! outahere
IMG_3003 (Small).JPG
IMG_3003 (Small).JPG (79.66 KiB) Viewed 20292 times

The Simrad was just LIT UP all morning with herring and krill. Incidentially, those diagonal lines are cannonballs going up because we're doubled up and going down again to get back in the strike zone!
IMG_3001 (Small).JPG
IMG_3001 (Small).JPG (132.64 KiB) Viewed 20292 times

Gibbs Highliner flashers and Coho Killer spoons were our starting gear but we progressed through larger Gibbs Skinny G's and eventually 5" plugs to select for larger fish and reduce our sublegal encounters.

Don't forget the Everett Blackmouth Derby Seminar at Bayside Marine in Everett at 6:30 tomorrow night! I'm putting the finishing touches on a new, never-before presented PowerPoint with maps, gear, and selected key dirty downrigger tricks!

Hope to see you there and hope you walk away with one of the dozens of door prizes! cheers
The Outdoor Line on 710 ESPN Seattle 6-9am Every Saturday!
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Re: November Winter Chinook Opener!

Postby Bowfinger12000 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:09 pm

Great day great folks great fishing with limits and terrible weather but we managed and it was worth it. Didn't seem to matter what we put down they hit everything. I guess not seeing gear for over 2 months helps.
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Re: November Winter Chinook Opener!

Postby Nelly » Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:22 am

Always nice to find a mid-week break in the weather to get out and find some fish and that's just what we got to do!

John Martinis of John's Sporting Goods and Jeff Lalone of Bayside Marine with a couple of Admiralty Inlet chinook right around the 10-pound mark!
IMG_3023 (Small).JPG
IMG_3023 (Small).JPG (75.66 KiB) Viewed 19969 times

What were the blackmouth eating? That's always a great question and the answer is sandlance and small herring which was a great hatch that was matched by the Coho Killer and Kingfisher 3.0 spoons behind Gibbs Highliner Flashers
Sandlance spoons.JPG
Sandlance spoons.JPG (136.94 KiB) Viewed 19969 times

We are most likely looking like a mid-November closure in MA-9 so at the very least we'll have this weekend for sure to get a little chinook to go with your Thanksgiving turkey! cheers
The Outdoor Line on 710 ESPN Seattle 6-9am Every Saturday!
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