Former Seattle Seahawk and Outdoor Line host Robbie Tobeck couldn't get this opening day blackmouth to the BBQ fast enough!

The Simrad was just LIT UP all morning with herring and krill. Incidentially, those diagonal lines are cannonballs going up because we're doubled up and going down again to get back in the strike zone!
Gibbs Highliner flashers and Coho Killer spoons were our starting gear but we progressed through larger Gibbs Skinny G's and eventually 5" plugs to select for larger fish and reduce our sublegal encounters.
Don't forget the Everett Blackmouth Derby Seminar at Bayside Marine in Everett at 6:30 tomorrow night! I'm putting the finishing touches on a new, never-before presented PowerPoint with maps, gear, and selected key dirty downrigger tricks!
Hope to see you there and hope you walk away with one of the dozens of door prizes!