Taking a Break in SE

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Taking a Break in SE

Postby onwhiskeycreek » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:52 pm

Our first friend of the season flew in and buzzed the cabin, he had his skis and wheels on instead of floats for this trip up to the Iditarod. He asked if I was busy for a few days, he had some time explore on his way to Anchorage to pick up his daughter. We took off the next morning and headed up the Stikine into the coast range.
2015-03-01 plane and glaciers 060.jpg
2015-03-01 plane and glaciers 060.jpg (121.07 KiB) Viewed 19953 times
The mountains and glaciers were amazing as we wound our way around checking out different places. It was so cool to be able to land in the snow and ice fields and look around. We camped out on the glaciers, somehow I think we may have been the first to camp there, looking across Glacier NP at Mt Fairweather and Mt Logan.
2015-03-01 plane and glaciers 332.jpg
2015-03-01 plane and glaciers 332.jpg (69.72 KiB) Viewed 19953 times
Got a chance to try out the Wiggly -60 Sleeping Bags and they are truly amazing, probably even good enough for a Robbo and Nelly hunting trip. The immense size of the Coastal Range is something you have to experience to appreciate. Cruising around Glacier NP in a plane versus the 3 weeks we spent paddling the inlets, and the 18 days to row the Alsek on another trip puts distance into a different perspective.
2015-03-01 plane and glaciers 389.jpg
2015-03-01 plane and glaciers 389.jpg (78.72 KiB) Viewed 19953 times
After poking around SE and getting fuel in Yakutat we headed out to the Wrangell St Elias and Kluane before heading to Prince Willams sound. There were moose in the different drainages after dropping down lower. Went out over some of the Islands in Prince Willams Sound because of some snow squalls and found an opening in one of the passes and headed toward Wolf Creek. Ran into ice fog and snow squalls about an hour out of Wolf Creek, so there was time to explore one more glacier. The weather lifted and we went on into Wolf Creek and drove down to Palmer Ale House for a pizza and brew after a great trip.
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Re: Taking a Break in SE

Postby Eddy C » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:39 am

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Re: Taking a Break in SE

Postby Robbo » Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:06 pm

My gawd man you guys know how to adventure. Right on!!!!!!
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Re: Taking a Break in SE

Postby duchunter » Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:49 am

Awesome way to camp!! Great pictures!!
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