Dangit...I didn't see Tobecks offer to help. I would have payed to see him run the cordless drill all day and of course there would've been video
We're nearing the end of all the heavy duty inside projects now. I finished installing all the fixtures late last week and then Uncle Bucket called on Saturday to see if he could help with anything over the weekend. We're really fortunate to be surrounded by some solid people right now and Uncle B is one of those people. One of those "hand shake" folks that seem to be so rare these days.
The kitchen was a dark cave, with only two old lights throwing off the glow of a dimly lit mafioso Italian joint. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Can lights would definitely need to be installed to light up the kitchen space though...so I can better see my salmon eggs when I'm curing them in the kitchen sink
Bucket rolled in Sunday morning and within a few hours he had six new uber-schwanky can lights layed out and installed in the kitchen and he also installed a bonus light in the pantry for Nicole.

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Bucket said "Let there be light"...and there was light

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Nicole's turn to run around with this toxic concoction that removes paint over spray. This stuff is NASTY

Time for me to work outside...ah fresh air...my first glimpse of the outside of the house since we started this project a month ago.

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I blasted off the walkways and the driveway before the carpet guys come tomorrow to begin installing new carpet throughout the casa. See the roof...yeah...that's another project

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At exactly 7:25 p.m. tonight we applied the very last stroke of paint inside the house. Tobeck was on the phone with me to commemorate the event. That's the end of that project...only 307 more projects to go now

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A little final clean up with the shop vac in the kitchen and we were home before 8:00 p.m. tonight. After a 14 hour day yesterday it was nice to get home a lil early.

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It's hard to believe how far downhill a house can go when it's been neglected for four or five years. Little by little this old house is starting to shine again and once we get the yard fancified it will really start to look good. Another big thanks to Uncle Bucket...if you have any building projects the man knows this business inside and out.
Looks like we'll be in full move mode by Thursday or Friday. Looking forward to moving into our new place and more importantly...into a larger garage space