I Hate Blacktails!

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I Hate Blacktails!

Postby Robbo » Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:41 pm

Not really...well...kinda!

I took the Can Am "Grocery Git'r" 6x6 out this morning and managed to fill the bed with a fat little west side blacktail. I came across a bunch of fresh rubs in the area yesterday and went back there first thing this morning to see if I could find him. He was in the reprod along the edge of the timber at first light and gave me enough time to get set up and take the 127 yard shot. This is the third blacktail I've taken within 50 yards of where he was standing. "I Hate Blacktails - Chapter 29" is now complete! (inside joke)
Rob Endsley

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Re: I Hate Blacktails!

Postby DuckDog » Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:39 pm

I hate them too but for some reason we keep hunting them. Gluttons for punishment I guess! Nice job again hombre thumbup
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Re: I Hate Blacktails!

Postby Nelly » Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:53 pm

Nice job bro.
That Can Am 6x6 is just the right rig for that. I'll bet you didn't even feel that critter on the back of that ride all the way out! outahere
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Re: I Hate Blacktails!

Postby Robbo » Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:15 am

That's kinda how my season was going until last week. A bazillion does on the eastside the first few days of the season and then come home for a warm and muggy start to the blacktail season. Thankfully this fat bugger stepped out and ended the madness for me.

Best of luck and hope you got into the elk. Waiting to hear how it went thumbup
Prince of Wales Sportfishing
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