Skagit Spring C&R Funding issue

The Skagit Spring C&R fishery has been closed since 2010 and it's taken one whale of a lot of effort by the Occupy Skagit group and others to make this opportunity a reality once more.
However, last night at the WDFW Mill Creek meeting District 4 Fish Program Biologist Edward Eleaser announced that he only has funding to monitor 14 days of the Three MONTHS that the fishery should be open.
This announcement is in DIRECT CONFLICT with Director Jim Unsworth's verbal commitment on December 8th at the Olympia WDFW Commission meeting that this fishery would be fully funded!
You can share your concerns with WDFW by emailing Director Jim Unsworth at and the Fish and Wildlife Commission at and DEMAND that the Director back up his words and FUND THE SKAGIT catch and release fishery!
However, last night at the WDFW Mill Creek meeting District 4 Fish Program Biologist Edward Eleaser announced that he only has funding to monitor 14 days of the Three MONTHS that the fishery should be open.
This announcement is in DIRECT CONFLICT with Director Jim Unsworth's verbal commitment on December 8th at the Olympia WDFW Commission meeting that this fishery would be fully funded!
You can share your concerns with WDFW by emailing Director Jim Unsworth at and the Fish and Wildlife Commission at and DEMAND that the Director back up his words and FUND THE SKAGIT catch and release fishery!