Weldcraft's Insulated Underfloor Fishbox

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Weldcraft's Insulated Underfloor Fishbox

Postby Nelly » Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:08 am

Well, as they say the proof is in the puddin' or in this case, in the fishbox!

After making a couple warm water, warm weather tuna runs this season, I decided to see just how long this aluminum hull would hold a belly full of shaved ice. Keep in mind that this was late August and we had temps in the 80's for most of that time.

Day One: Filled the box with ice in the morning and although we only got five tuna it still gave us a starting place for the "Ice Test" I added a few buckets of sea water to make room for the tuna.
IMG_1164 (Small).JPG
IMG_1164 (Small).JPG (79.8 KiB) Viewed 16916 times

Day Two: Tuna out and some noticeable melt. I pumped out the melt water and hosed the edges with fresh water to clean the box a bit.
IMG_1165 (Small).JPG
IMG_1165 (Small).JPG (47.04 KiB) Viewed 16916 times

Day Three: There's still about half of the surface of the fishbox covered with ice and if need be, I would have been fine with going for a tuna run with that three-day old, but cold fishbox!
IMG_1170 (Small).JPG
IMG_1170 (Small).JPG (75.45 KiB) Viewed 16916 times

To be completely honest, I was pleasantly surprised with the cold-holding performance of this insulated aluminum fishbox. Is it a Yeti cooler? heck no!

Can you bolt a Evinrude outboard to a Yeti?... I don't think so... spy
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