Eastern WA Honkers pickn up along the river

Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:29 pm
by Ruckus
It's no secret theres been plenty of geese around the Moses Lake area since the beginning of the month. A ton of lessers in that area! Just in the last couple weeks have we been seeing an influx of big honkers along the Columbia River. Weekend before last we started seeing groups of honkers using our corn fields, and this last weekend we had double the amount of birds in the area. Thanksgiving is looking to be spectacular as we are not expected to get any deep freezes or heavy snow to push them out of town. Our guys got 11 greaters on sunday and would have limited easy had it not been for some technical difficulties with their shotguns. Murphy at work for sure! Pics soon.

Re: Eastern WA Honkers pickn up along the river

Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:57 pm
by Robbo
Crazy weather up north must be pushing them down Robert. What up with the technical difficulties...were they forgetting to aim. I have that problem from time to time ma'sef

Re: Eastern WA Honkers pickn up along the river

Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:26 pm
by Ruckus
It was too damn funny, we had a flock of five land in the decoys, two landed to the left side and three to the right side. My guy on the left took care of his two no problemo.... the two guys on my right got one shot off, managed to knock down one, then proceeded to yank the hell out of their triggers with nothing more than a cuss word coming out the end of their barrells as two big honks got away! Did I mention they were 15 yards away. Both guns jammed! One guy bought his shotgun new for this trip! We were crying we were laughing so hard...those two took alot of crap the rest of the day!
Re: Eastern WA Honkers pickn up along the river

Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:45 am
by Dan Carney
That is why I am partial to a good old pump action. I know there are many exceptional semi-autos out there, but not for me. Also, all my friends with semi's seem to go through many more shells without getting more birds.
Re: Eastern WA Honkers pickn up along the river

Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:41 am
by Robbo
I just bought a brand spankin' new Browning 3 1/2 auto and it also jammed up on a round of birds last week. I think it was because I didn't slam the reciever shut when I reloaded it. Click..."S.O.B.!" At least I hope that's what it was

Re: Eastern WA Honkers pickn up along the river

Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:34 pm
by Ruckus
One of the shotguns was a pump. The guy alligator armed it and didn't shove the action all the way closed.

. Here's some pics of the perpetrators in question.