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San Juan Island Chinook Report

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:57 pm
by House
When you think Salmon fishing, you may think of crusty curmudgeon's in raingear. But more and more, you're seeing women come into their own in the sport. Driving the boat, running gear, landing and netting...the ladies of today can do it all. It's great to see, as the more people who are involved in sportfishing, and therefore have a vested interest in fish enhancement and fishing opportunity issues the better. The sport of fishing is also a great way for couples and families to spend time together. Whether on the salt and rivers for for salmon and steelhead, or bumping around a lake for trout and bass, it's all good. Make the trip fun, safe and comfortable. You could always go "out to dinner", but why not go "out to get dinner"! These Salmon swimming around right now are some of the best groceries you'll find...and have you seen the price of troll caught King Salmon these days? Ouch!

She said YES! I DO want to go well as tie the(improved clinch)knot! Vicki and Kevin with a couple of 'Nookie's. This seems to be about the average grade of King in the Island's right now. How 'bout this weather? The fishing might not be the best in the world, but it's tough to beat the 'Juan's for sheer outdoor experience right now.
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Call it the "American Flag", "Captain American", "Old Glory", or the Match Game '76 definitive answer: "Firecracker", just don't call it off the King's! This July 4th limited edition Silver Horde Coho Killer has been murder on the Chinook. It mimic's the tiny "firecracker" herring that are poppin' all over the Island's right now. We've also done well on the diminutive new 2" Silver Horde Kingfisher Spoon. For Game of Throne's fans, let call that one "The Imp"...or is it the "Kingslayer"?
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Chinook fishing in the San Juan's has been relatively slow. The PSA Bellingham Salmon Derby was last weekend, and the winner was a 22.56lber caught by Ben Truscott. A huge full moon, and huge tides didn't help. The bulk of big Kings aren't in yet, as it usually takes at least a 30lber to place in that tounament. There are fish around, but you're looking for that small concentration of Kings in a narrow window of tide and bite. The last three years since 2011, we've been blessed with great fishing for big Chinook on the July 1st opener. However, this year might be back to "normal", when the larger fish don't show in big numbers until mid August. Some Sockeye and Coho are starting to arrive. It's still worth a shot for the local fisherfolk...just not red hot yet. That's why they call it fishin'. (Report courtesy of Kevin Kline)

Re: San Juan Island Chinook Report

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:12 am
by Dan Carney
I haven't posted in a while, but had to report on my best day fishing in the San Juan Islands yesterday. I went out with a friend for the crab opener and some fishing. The day didn't start off great as we lost a huge Chinook to a seal at Eagle Bluff. I conservatively estimate it was near 30 lbs. (no kidding). Went and checked crab pots and had our limit of huge crab in two pots. Threw back 2-3 limits in other two pots. In the afternoon we continued to fish and landed a 20 lb fish and a 22 lb fish. The one the seal got was quite a bit larger than these two. All in all a spectacular day on the water.
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Re: San Juan Island Chinook Report

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:18 am
by Duck
Nice work Dan. Glad to finally hear about some success in area 7. We plan to try our luck tomorrow.

Were you at Eagle Bluff in the afternoon also?

Re: San Juan Island Chinook Report

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:11 pm
by Dan Carney
No, Eagle bluff fishes best on the flood. We were south of Strawberry Island on the ebb. Good luck, also fish something slow that is green and white!!!